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Common colds are the primary reason why children miss school and adults miss work. You’d think that would stop people from spreading the disease, but unfortunately, it does not. If you are under the spell of a pesky cold, you

Acchoo! Tips to prevent spreading a cold

Common colds are the primary reason why children miss school and adults miss work. You’d think that would stop people from spreading the disease, but unfortunately, it does not. If you are under the spell of a pesky cold, you

Vitamins & supplements: Your daily defense against colds

Since the pandemic shook public health with its devastating effects, the world has recognized how important immunity is in keeping our bodies healthy and safe from viruses. Particularly when winters roll in, one becomes more vulnerable to viral conditions. Be

Sleepless with sniffles: A bedtime story for kids with colds

Looks like a nasty cold has got you all upset. Your nose is running and the tissues are all wet. You feel a tickle in your throat and your nostrils are blocked. Or you’re sneezing out loud every time you

Cold facts: What really helps shorten a cold

Chances are your nose is running like a waterfall or is stuffed up and making you breathe through your mouth. If you’re at the deep end of your cold, you’re probably sneezing and coughing, with chest congestion, a sore throat,