Simple home remedies for cough

A persistent cough is enough to disrupt a perfectly good day. Constantly clearing your throat and trying to suppress whoops and hacks at work can be exhausting. Embarrassing even. Worse, it robs you of your sleep, upsets your mornings and your routine. Before cough drains you of all your energy, use these household tips to ease your symptoms, find temporary relief and keep going.

Before we dive into the remedies, it is important to note that the type of cough you have could be the result of an underlying condition. It could be because of many reasons like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic bronchitis, smoking or medication related. While it’s important to understand what your cough is telling you first, these remedies will help you alleviate symptoms beyond the treatment you seek.

What to consume

When you’re suffering from a cough, cold or a flu, your diet plays a crucial role in keeping the condition in check. The right nutrients act as a fuel for your body, boosting your immunity and helping you bounce back faster.

Here are a few home remedies to help you curb that cough:

First Signs of cough and cold

  1. Fluids are your friends: Water helps keep the membranes in your airways moist and thin the mucus, so you cough it up with minimal irritation. Also, fighting all that infection takes up a lot of your energy, and dehydrates you, which makes water essential to recovery.Alongside the fluid intake, steam inhalation or a hot shower is another way to thin the mucus and unblock your upper airways.
    Hot fluids like liquorice root tea and wet brothy chicken soup help soothe irritated pathways and are easier to consume when your throat is irritable. Alternatively, a sugar-free herbal infusion like Eugica Cold & Flu could be a safe bet. With ingredients like ginger, black pepper and liquorice, it reduces the incidence and severity of cough and cold symptoms like itchy throat, sneezing and more.

2. Soothe it with honey: Honey is a delicious, natural and soothing cough remedy that’s been passed down for centuries. And with good reason. In several studies, parents have rated honey as the preferred choice for relief from nocturnal cough in children. While research is emerging on its effectiveness, honey is known to minimize irritation and loosen up chest congestion with anti-microbial properties.

3. Be pro probiotics: Research suggests that probiotic use helps ease GERD symptoms like regurgitation and heartburn. The right gut-friendly bacteria like L. acidophilus have been found to reduce the incidence and duration of fever as well as inflammation. Foods like yogurt, tempeh, kimchi, fermented soybeans and vegetables are what you can reach for in this time of need.

4. Clear it up with pineapple: Bromelain, a mixture of enzymes in pineapples is known to help suppress cough and loosen mucus.

5. Get to the root with ivy leaf tea: The leaf of the evergreen plant ivy has proven to be an effective expectorant. It is believed that the saponins present in ivy leaf loosen up thick mucus so you can cough it up faster. Chances are ivy leaf tea can easily be found in your local grocery store and could be just the thing you need. You could also explore clinically tested, natural cough remedies like Eugica Coff and Eugica Ivy Syrup. They can help relieve cough at the root cause, instead of simply addressing the symptoms.

What to avoid

As important as it is to consume the right foods, it is necessary to avoid the wrong ones too. Some research suggests that dairy products tend to worsen cough and cold symptoms and are generally avoidable. Additionally, if there are any foods you feel you might be allergic to, because you notice the same symptoms every time you consume them, steer clear of them.

What to practice

  1. Salt-water gargling: Warm salt water or saline gargling is one age-old remedy that has scientifically been proven to be effective. Doing it regularly can help prevent respiratory tract infections. If you’re ailing from a cough however, salt water will help relax throat irritation and relieve symptoms for a while.


  1. Wash your hands: People who cough tend to cover their mouth with their hands (as they should), which is why it is imperative to wash one’s hands regularly to avoid spreading the infection to those around you.

    If your cough persists for over 10 days, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider for focused treatment.

    Tags: Home remedies for cough, cough natural remedies, cough home care


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